Practice Two: Unleash Your True Self

Be bold, be brave enough to be your true self.

- Queen Latifah

Being in the presence of someone with an inflated ego can limit free expression and corner you into playing a role that is not aligned with your true self. Not only that, but being in the shadow of a narcissist’s shamelessness can leave you feeling inferior and incapable. Having a safe, accepting and flexible structure is the only way in which to fully grow your true self.

The great news is that the true self never leaves you, and is always patiently waiting for you to tap into it. It wants nothing more than for you to connect with it and to continually strengthen your bond. In order to effectively connect with the true self, it’s important to have a safe space to think and feel, independent of anybody else; narcissist or not. This is an opportunity to put the roles and limiting beliefs aside and to dive in and see what’s really in there behind the mask. It allows you to understand and accept all aspects of your subconscious and to integrate them.

Give shape to your true self

Drawing from the principles of Gestalt therapy, the true self can be developed by taking your current emotional...

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