Practice Four: Flex Your Muscles

Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.

- Abraham Lincoln

Like a strain of flu, we can protect ourselves from victimisation by a narcissist if we vaccinate ourselves. Yes, to become more narcissist proof, we inject ourselves with narcissism.

Firstly, don’t worry; there are no needles involved. Secondly, don’t be afraid you’ll develop full-blown narcissistic personality disorder. You are biologically different. You have been blessed with the ability to feel shame and guilt. If these emotions were inserted like a chip in our brains, then narcissists would have an empty slot. So no matter what you do, you will never be a full blown narcissist. As long as you are in touch with those emotions, you will remain grounded. Recall that narcissism exists on a continuum, and even though we may slide up and down the scale, we can always bring our...

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