
Practice Six: Boundaries

We can trust ourselves to know when our boundaries are being violated.

- Melody Beattie

Hanna had terrible stomach cramping. She had been putting in 11 hour days at work for a few weeks, and her boss kept handing her more and more tasks to do. A task which would take a whole day was expected to be done in a couple of hours, as well as a handful of other tasks. Hanna was the only one in the company capable of doing such work, and so she took the tasks on without any resistance. Most days, she skipped her lunch break and ate her food at her desk. She felt anxious because she could never quite catch up with her work. In truth, she was expected to do the work of two people. She hadn’t been sleeping well and had been feeling resentful about being pushed around to do her boss’s bidding. The human resources manager noticed her discomfort one day and sent her home to rest. After half a day off, she stumbled back to th...

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