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Articles On Narcissism
Am I A Narcissist? One Easy Test
Ever wonder if you were the narcissist in the relationship?
What Makes A Narcissist Tick
Why is the narcissist how they are, and can you do something about it?
How To Know A Narcissist in 5 Minutes
Narcissist, or not? Find out quickly and save yourself from the abuse.
Narcissists Who Don’t Discard
Not all narcissists discard. Here’s why.
We Need To Talk About Narcissism
Narcissism is just the tip of the iceberg. Beneath lies a more sinister truth about the people we label ‘narcissists’.
Why Narcissists Withhold Love And Affection
The reasons for a narcissist withholding love and affection are layered and complex.
How Narcissists Make You Believe You Are The Abuser
Reactive abuse is the narcissist’s way of off-loading their shadow and making you out to seem like the abuser.
Why Borderlines Love Narcissists
Is there any overlap between borderline and narcissistic personality disorder?
Why The Eyes Of A Narcissist And Psychopath Look Dead
What lies behind that eerie sense of being watched when it comes to a narcissist or psychopath?
How Family Scapegoats Become ‘Narcissists’
The burden of the scapegoat in a narcissistic family is unique, as is their way out of the madness.
Gaslighting: Narcissist Versus Reality
Gaslighting is nothing personal, but it is maddening. Learn to identify and deal with it.
What Is Narcissism? Narcissistic Abuse Explained
A primer on narcissism and narcissistic abuse — simply explained.
What Causes Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
Behind the polished persona of the narcissist is a tale of tragedy and betrayal.
How The Narcissist Lulls You Into Their Fantasy World
Above all, a narcissistic relationship is a world of illusory potential void of substance.
Idealize, Devalue And Discard: The Narcissist’s Vicious Cycle
Like a frog in boiling water, we often miss the devastating consequences of the narcissist’s idealize, devalue and discard cycle — until it’s too late.
How To Deal With A Narcissist Effectively
Learn the short-term and long-term strategies for dealing with the narcissist’s shaming and abuse.
Narcissistic Triangulation: Breaking Free
Breaking free of narcissistic abuse involves understanding when you are being played against another person via triangulation.
The Real Reason Why You Attract Narcissists
Learn the harsh truth of why you seem to always attract narcissists, and forge a way toward freedom.
Five Stages Of Healing After Narcissistic Abuse: Hope Emerges
Healing from narcissistic abuse is a marathon. Learn the stages of recovery so you don’t lose hope.
The Long-Term Effects Of Narcissistic Abuse
Labelling the long-term effects of narcissistic abuse can help you find sanity in the storm.
Healing PTSD After Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic abuse causes untold damage, leaving you with crippling PTSD which must be healed to move forward.
Narcissist/Codependent Relationship: Ending The Dance
Codependency is the glue holding narcissistic relationships together. Break free of the dance for good.
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: Where To Begin
Carve through the early confusion of narcissistic abuse recovery with a clear strategy for healing.
The Narcissistic Mother: How To Deal With Her And Heal
An extensive guide for dealing with a narcissistic mother and finding freedom for good.
The Narcissistic Family Explained
Learn the roles and dynamics of the narcissistic family.
The Empath And Narcissist: Breaking The Cycle
Empaths, or highly-sensitive people, are uniquely vulnerable to narcissistic abuse, yet also uniquely placed for a life of meaning and beauty.
Starving A Narcissist Of Supply At An Elite Level
To successfully starve a narcissist of narcissistic supply, a deep inner transformation is required first.