A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.
- Jim Morrison
Having your emotional world hijacked means that you are no longer in the driver’s seat. It’s crucial that you have the internal space to think, feel and make decisions independent of another person. It’s also important to express your own grandeur and have that seen, as well as release your toxic shame and establish a stronger sense of self. You cannot do this alone. In time, toxic shame takes on its own momentum and begins to function autonomously. A lot of the damage done by the narcissist regime functions autonomously. You cannot climb tall walls without a helping hand from the other side. It’s a paradox, but in order to gain autonomy and freedom, you will need support. You will need the help of a set of people who are not narcissists.
Limbic resonance is the deepest form of connection two human beings can have. It happens when two people are emotionally engaged and invested in each other. Consider that one person is expressing their sadness about a situation. The other person might start relating to feelings of sadness too, and then, to avoid feeling this way,...
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