The rules are simple. Take your work, but never yourself, seriously. Pour in the love and whatever skill you have, it will come out.
- Chuck Jones
Reclaiming your true self is extremely empowering. When you begin to engage your emotions and allow them space to breathe, you’ll begin to notice that they also allow you to harness more energy. It works in two ways; you won’t be wasting your energy trying to suppress your emotions, and by being allowed to come to the surface, your emotions will energise you.
Also, living within the confines of a narcissist regime would have held you back from being your own leader. Leaders carve out new paths. Leaders walk bravely into the unknown. Leaders have skills. You are that leader, even though you might not have fully realised your potential. You have big shoes fill. This practice is about filling said shoes.
Living up to your potential means growth. Growth involves confronting truths and dealing with a range of uncomfortable emotions. Through Practice One...
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