Practice Seven: Scorched Earth

I take the invasion of my personal space very seriously.

- Kid Rock

Scorched Earth is a military strategy used by a people when the enemy is advancing on their territory. Anything of use to the enemy such as houses, food, vehicles, utilities or equipment is burnt, leaving nothing which could help the enemy sustain their assault.

Having empathy for others endears them to us. In many cases, this is what we want. When it comes to narcissists, we need them endeared to us like we need to be run over by a truck. Yes, narcissists are often wounded people and maintaining a false self is painful for them. But believing they can change or trying to have them play fair never works. We must refuse to play the game. We do this by disengaging from our emotions. Remember, the game is in play as long as our emotions bind us to the other person. The act of disengaging fr...

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