
Let The Brain Re-Washing Begin

Life, by its very nature, is experiential, meaning our experiences shape our beliefs and behaviours. The problem of narcissism lies at the core of our being. It doesn’t change just because we decided or because we read a book. Reversing the damage done by narcissism means creating opposing experiences, and doing them over and over again until they become integrated.

The strategy for making change involves setting a list of goals and working towards them through a variety of practices. This will be a continual process, with progress being made and integrated, followed by more progress and integration. The goals are lighthouses. Instead of meeting those goals, you only need to stay on course and go deeper. The longer you work at it, the more you know, the more experienced you become, the deeper you go and the more natural it will feel.

The road to killing a narcissist consists of seven goals:

1. Healing your toxic shame: Shame as an identity attaches itself to most of your thoughts and urges. You feel shame for wanting somet...

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