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How To Kill A Narcissist Book - Debunking the myth of narcissism and recovering from narcissistic abuse

How To Kill A Narcissist


Expose the narcissist and explore the 7 practices for recovery from narcissistic abuse.

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Product Information

Formats Provided: ePub PDF

Language: English

File Size: 3.8 MB

EBook Description

Narcissistic abuse, by nature, is designed to keep you trapped in shame-based vertigo. It doesn’t just go away because you know it exists. Narcissism creates a set of beliefs, behaviours and paradigms in its target which must be changed from the inside.

Whether you are dealing with a narcissistic lover, parent, husband, wife, friend, boss or colleague, the same philosophy will apply. After reading ‘How To Kill A Narcissist’, you will:

  • Become aware of the damage narcissistic abuse has done to your psyche and how to heal it

  • See how the narcissist uses shame as a weapon to fool you into feeling inferior

  • Understand the playing field which narcissists thrive on and how to stop playing their game

  • Learn how the narcissist uses mind control to break down and rebuild your identity for the purpose of subjugation

  • Gain tools for disarming a narcissist i.e. starving them of their narcissistic supply

  • Have taken a closer look beyond the label of narcissistic personality disorder

Using an inside-out approach, ‘How To Kill A Narcissist’ presents the seven practices for recovery and healing from a narcissistic relationship:

  1. Get allies: Boost self-esteem through limbic resonance.

  2. Give shape to your True Self: Uncover disowned parts of the Self and restore wholeness.

  3. Skill up: Empower yourself by learning new skills to challenge your self-limiting beliefs.

  4. Flex your muscles: Challenge the psychological cage and come out of hiding by asserting yourself despite of your shame.

  5. Even the scale: Restore balance to your relationships by balancing the distribution of shame.

  6. Boundaries: Foster a strong sense of Self and firmly protect it.

  7. Scorched earth: Disengage your emotions from those who wish to manipulate you by skilfully using contempt to change your perception of them.

Each practice is designed to instil you with independence, strength, emotional resilience and awareness while allowing you to cultivate balanced, loving relationships and pursue a life of passion.

This is the art of killing a narcissist.