The Piece You’re Missing For Trauma Healing

There's More To You Than Your Early Wounds

The Piece You’re Missing For Trauma Healing

Trauma has a depth, force and perceived deadliness akin to an ocean storm. Multi-storey waves of emotions can toss you around and throw you off course. In extreme cases, they can temporarily ‘sink your ship’.

A mere trigger can activate this storm, leaving you inundated and overwhelmed. Luckily, trauma storms don’t kill us. They can ‘take us out’, however, causing us to dissociate, numb ourselves or act out; before we wake up on the shore of our consciousness, vomiting and gagging.

Much like sinking to the bottom of the ocean, with trauma there’s a sense of drowning in the depths of our soul; of being disoriented and shrouded in darkness. It’s like you temporarily lose yourself.

If it is true that you lose yourself, then where do you go during that time? And is there a way to hold on to yourself during the storm? The answer is an emphatic yes. But that means you need to be clear on who you are — beyond the trauma.

There’s More To You

Mindfulness allows...

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