Every Narcissist Is Unique

Every Narcissist Is Special, But Not The Way They Think

Every Narcissist Is Unique

In the DSM-5 manual, one of the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder is ‘A belief that he or she is special and unique…’

After years of contemplation, I have finally decided that it is time to give narcissists their time in the sun. To admit that, yes, they are indeed uniqueexcept not in the way they think.

Same Old Narcissist

When people talk about narcissists, there’s a ubiquity to it, as though ‘the narcissist’ is one person. In the collective psyche, ‘the narcissist’ is a bogeyman, someone to despise and avoid. The best spell or weapon we have againt this bogeyman is called ‘no contact’. Otherwise, if you simply stand still and do not transmit any emotions, the narcisisst should lose their scent and leave you alone.

The narcissist’s traits and strategies are well-documented and widely-understood. Selfishness. Manipulation. Fantasy. Dishonesty. Infidelity. Gaslighting. Reactive abuse. Idealise-devalue-discard. The narcissist will suck your emotional life out of you and spit you out when they are done.

A narcissist is so predictable. O...

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