A Dating Guide For Those With Complex Trauma

Is It Love, Or Is It Trauma?

A Dating Guide For Those With Complex Trauma

There comes a day when someone with C-PTSD looks back on the rubble of their dating life, and is washed over with frustration and regret. Blissful memories of paradise, moments filled with joy and love, missed opportunities, fatal mistakes, and monumental collapses; relationships for a person with complex trauma tend to have it all — with heartbreak and agony being the icing on top.

While reminiscing, you may wonder how your old relationship might play out if you live it all again with what you now know. If only you had the lay of the land, and understood what to expect before going in. If only you possessed a guide to dating as a person with Complex-PTSD.

People with complex trauma rarely select partners with foresight and care. They don’t take their time, slowly building intimacy and trust from a safe distance, gradually closing the distance towards commitment. No, people with C-PTSD dive in head first without hesitation, overcome with blissful intoxication.

The first months of the relationship are filled with ecstasy, 24/7...

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