The Narcissist’s Twilight Years

A Narcissist’s Ultimate Kryptonite, Is Time

The Narcissist’s Twilight Years

A narcissist’s ultimate kryptonite, is time.

The ones who derive grandiosity from their appearance get especially panicked, as every passing year further withers their youthfulness. Some narcissists obsess over their health, swallowing countless vitamins while constantly seeking out the next health fad.

You might hear a narcissist declare: “I’m going to live to a hundred!” Such a mindset comes with all sorts of denial-based behaviours. An ageing narcissist might attempt to jump and skip like a child, risking injury in the process. You occasionally spot an old narcissist frequenting a nightclub or bar, looking to maintain their connection to the youth. A narcissist might also dress decades younger than they are. A tight leather skirt, bright-pink hair or an oversized sports t-shirt on a grey-haired person is a dead giveaway.

Such futile attempts at warding off mortality do not necessarily indicate narcissistic personality disorder. A person might have experi...

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