The 12 Labours Of A Narcissist

Can The Myth Of Hercules Help Transform A Narcissist?

The 12 Labours Of A Narcissist

The popular belief is that narcissism has no cure, that even if a narcissist wanted to change, they would fail. Since their pathology developed during their formative years, the narcissist simply has no hope. You cannot teach an old narcissist new tricks, it seems. Once a narcissist, always a narcissist.

And yet, my mind still wanders on occasion. Observing the narcissists in my circles, I imagine what it would take. Sometimes my inner psychopath smirks, and considers dropping an LSD tab or ecstasy pill in a narcissist’s coffee. There’s no way they could remain unchanged after that, surely?

Once I’ve had my chuckle, I return to less criminal thoughts. My neurodivergent mind sharpens again while making unusual connections. I find myself thinking about Hercules, or ‘Heracles’, as the Greeks called him.

Although he’s barely narcissistic, there’s enough in Heracles’ story to make me suspect that his heroic journey could offer a blueprint for a narcissist to heal.

The Labours Of Heracles

In the Greek myth, Heracles was the illegitimate son of Zeus. Zeus’ wife Hera despised her husband’s infidelity, and often took revenge on Zeus’ offspring.

Fast forward to adulthood, and Heracles is happily married with children. He com...

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