The True Self Versus The World

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

- Helen Keller

The True Self is divine in its mission. Like the sun, its goal is to shine brightly and empower the game of creation. Yet much like the sun, the light of the True Self casts a shadow.

If the True Self is an ever-shining, always-expanding star, the archetypes of the psyche can be seen as its solar system. The True Self lies at the centre of this universe, photosynthesising and giving life to everything. Driving it toward manifesting into the world is what Sigmund Freud called the id.

The id

The id is the True Self’s pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain, being driven by urges, desires and needs. Our need to be loved and seen, our desire for sex, our urge to avoid abandonment, all of these drives and more lie at the heart of the id.

The id is powered by the life...

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