When an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside as fate.
- Carl Jung
During the hero’s journey, you discover many aspects of yourself, including your core wounds, emotional patterns, fantasies, beliefs and self-perception. You learn to process and regulate your emotions and take ownership of your inner space, establishing healthy habits which align you with who you truly are.
It is nonetheless possible to make enormous strides, and upon re-engaging the world, to fall straight back into a dysfunctional relationship. This is because personal growth does not fully resolve our blueprint for relating. Our complexes and programming remain intact, and can only be transformed when they are directly experienced, understood and worked through. That means you will need to get your hands dirty by entering into potentially damaging relationships. This time, however, you will have a heightened consciousness and fully-developed Self to guide and support you.
We all desire love. What differs from person to person is in how they love, and their belief of what love means. In childhood, we love openly and without question. As our experiences pile up, we begin to form a blueprint for how to be in a relationship. When dealing with a narcissist, love means sacrificing yourself on the altar of the false self. For those who grow up in abusiv...
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