The Personal Power ‘Doctrine’

We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.

- Joseph Campbell

When we stop looking outside for meaning, we can finally access the wisdom of our True Self. This is not about denying reality, but enriching it through living out of our core. The True Self makes life meaningful because it contains the blueprint of who we are, and by allowing it to express itself, everything we do merges with our essence. From there, life evolves naturally. Our task as we embrace personal power is to listen to and accommodate the True Self, one day at a time. Conditioned behaviour will continue to hinder you, negative thought patterns will muddy your mind, and people will continue their attempts to influence and manipulate you. Moments of frustration and confusion will arise. In such cases, when you experience a loss of grounding and control, the best step you can take is to focus inside and reacquaint yourself with your centre. Solitude and a period of releasing may be necessary before you can think straight again and restore your intuition.

Rediscovering trust

Personal power is a spiritual practice which you can cultivate at any time. This involves taking responsibility for your life and making a habit of remaining present...

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