The Narcissistic Trinity

How The Narcissist Hijacks The Holy Trinity To Create A One-Person Religion

The Narcissistic Trinity

A narcissist is a one-person religion. They gallivant through the world, looking to ‘convert’ targets into believers. By offering the promise of transcendence, they aim to replace God in the consciousness of their victims.

To help illustrate this process, let’s break down the narcissist’s ‘godliness’ in the same manner as the Christian Holy Trinity (The Father, The Son And The Holy Spirit):

1. The False Self (The Father)

The grandiose false self is the narcissist’s larger-than-life persona. The narcissist might act aloof and self-important, appearing stoic and vengeful like the Old Testament God, or they could be more ‘parental’ and unconditional in their love like the New Testament God.

Although it is a construct of the mind, the false self emits an immortal vibe. There is a conv...

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