The Narcissist’s 4 Steps For Control

How A Narcissist Spins Their Web Around You

The Narcissist’s 4 Steps For Control

1, 2, 3, 4 – it goes as follows:

1. Lure in

To obtain narcissistic supply, a narcissist creates a container for their target to enter into. This is often a social group i.e a business, a spiritual movement, a friendship circle, even a family.

The container can be psychological, in that the narcissist verbally engages you to gather how susceptible you are to lower your boundaries and enter their world.

It can also be romantic, where the narcissist may seduce you to lure you in.

In any case, the narcissist needs you in their ‘territory’.

2. Charm

The narcissist has your time and attention. Now they need your investment of Self. To soften you up, they will shower you with attention, care, interest and compliments.

Meanwhile, they gauge what your needs are, and provide the...

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