Psychological Tricks To Remain Motivated and Confident

Motivation And Confidence Are Inside You

Psychological Tricks To Remain Motivated and Confident

Feeling down? Here are some high-level psychological tricks to remain motivated and confident:

Expose The Comparison Trap

You would be surprised how often you unconsciously see someone on the street or in media, and automatically judge yourself to be inferior to them. They’re more attractive, more fit, more successful, more talented, more happy etc.. This automatic script can play out many times a day without you realising it, and each time it injects you with a burst of shame that cripples and poisons your confidence.

The answer? Shine the light of your awareness on it. Keep an eye on your thoughts and try to catch yourself when you do this. Over time, you will expose the comparison trap of the mind, and with that, it will lose its power over you. Your confidence will then rise to the surface like a beach ball that’s been held underwater by force.

Embrace Apathy

When you feel unmotivated to do something, allow yourself to stop trying. Let go. Surrender. Do absolutely nothing. This may seem counterintuitive at first. However, it comes with one caveat: You cannot distract yourself. Instead, direct your focus into the feeling which is keeping you from acting. That is, permit yourself to drown in apathy.

You can lay back on the sofa if you like. Close your eyes, and see if you can find the feeling that is holding back your motivation. Yes, apathy is an emotion. The feeling of not feeling anything, and not wanting to do anything, is an emotion, much like white is a colour. Give yourself over to it. Surrender to it fully without any distractions, and with no expectations.

See what happens from there.

Inject Purpose Into Your Life

With anything you do in your life for which you lack motivation, ask yourself why you are doing it. To earn money? Because someone else expects you to? Because you’ve always done it? Because you think it will make you popular? Or perhaps you do it to redeem yourself, because you think it will make you a worthwhile person.

Now ask yourself: If tomorrow you could no longer do that thing, would you grieve? If the answer is no, then you have not aligned any meaning or purpose into what you do. That is why you feel unconfident and unmotivated. Purpose will give you both.

Take an inventory of everything in your life. Is there anything you can change about it that would help you to deeply care about and love that thing? If not, can you find the courage to let it go and suffer the consequences?

Next, brainstorm ideas about things you can do which are easy to care for and love doing. What actions can you take to incorporate them into your life?

Motivation and confidence are inside you. You were born to be motivated and confident. It is your natural state. All you need to do is remove the obstacles and line up the pieces, and the rest will follow.

For the definitive guide to narcissism and healing from narcissistic abuse, check out How To Kill A Narcissist.

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