How To Stop Being Clingy In Relationships

People Need Other People, But When Is It Too Much?

How To Stop Being Clingy In Relationships

Tribe is the source of our power, and anyone who tells you otherwise is delusional. We rely on each other for physical nurture, emotional mirroring, accountability, knowledge, synergy, creativity, companionship, reproduction, and so much more. Those who learn to effectively cooperate and connect with others go far in life.

Then there are those of us who need others that little bit too much. We might be desperate for their approval, their attention, or their validation. We walk around with an insatiable hunger, a corrosive anxiety, an implacable ache in our chest.

When in the presence of certain people, we feel the scale ever-so-gradually tipping in their favour. Our energy becomes drawn to them, and we grow anxious and reactive. We get paranoid that we may offend them, and second-guess everything we say. We track their movements, and grow resentful and frightened when they speak with anyone else. We think about them often, and daydream about how amazing they are.

What is going on?

Attachment: The Love Highway

The psychological manifestation of ‘people needing other people’ is attachment.

Attachment is like an invisible, two-way, emotional umbilical cord...

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